Myers Psychology 8 Ed Study Guide Answers


Likely to study: A) how you learn to expre ss emoti ons. B) how to h elp peopl e ove rcome emoti onal diso rders. C) life-span changes in the expression of emotion. D) the c hemic al ch anges that accom pany emot ions.

  1. Ap Psychology Study Guide Myers
  2. David G Myers Psychology 8th Edition Study Guide Answers
  3. Study Guide For Psychology

Hernandez is studying neurotransmitter abnormali ties in depressed patien ts. She would most likely describe herself as a: A ) p e r s o n a l i t y p s y c h o l o g i s t. C ) p s y c h o a n a l y s t. B ) p h r e n o l o g i s t. D ) b i o l o g i c a l p s y c h o l o g i s t. The axons of certain neuron s are covered by a layer of fatty tissu e that helps speed neural transmission.

This tissue is: A) the glia. B) the myelin sheath. C) acetylcholine. D) an endorphin.

The myelin shea th that is on some neurons: A) incre ases the speed of n eural tran smiss ion. B) slows neura l tran smiss ion. C) regul ates the relea se of neuro trans mitte rs. During an action poten tial, the electrical state of the ax on becomes: A) polarized, as positively charged atoms are admitted. B) polarized, as negatively charged atoms are admitted. C) depolarized, as positively charged atoms are admitted.

D) depolarized, as negatively charged atoms are admitted. In a resting state, the ax on is: A) depolarized, with mo stly n egatively charged ion s outsid e and positively charged i ons inside. B) depolarized, with mo stly po sitively charged i ons ou tside an d negat ively ch arged io ns inside. C) polarized, w ith mos tly neg atively c harged io ns ou tside an d pos itively charged io ns inside. D) polarized, w ith mos tly pos itively charged ion s outsid e and negatively charged ion s inside.

Synapse 9. A neuron will generate act ion potentials more often w hen it: A) remain s below its thres hold. B) receiv es an excit atory inpu t. C) receiv es mo re ex citat ory than inhi bito ry in puts. D) is stimu lated by a n eurot ransm itte r. A strong stimulus can increase the: A) speed of t he impul se the neuro n fi res.

Ap Psychology Study Guide Myers

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B) inten sity of t he i mpul se t he n euro n fi res. C) numbe r of times the neur on fires. D) threshold that must be r eached before the neuron fires. Several shy neurons send an i nhibitory message to nei ghboring neuron Jon i.

At the same time, a larger group of party-going neurons send Joni excitatory messages. What will Joni do? A) fire, a ssum ing t hat h er th resho ld ha s been reache d B) not fire, even if he r th resho ld h as b een reache d C) enter a refrac tory perio d D) becom e hype rpola rized 12. Since Malcolm has been taking a dru g prescribed by his docto r, he no longer enjoys the lit tle pleasures of life, such as eating and drinking. His doctor explains that this is because the drug: A) tr ig ge r s r el ea s e o f d op am in e. C) t ri gg er s re l ea se of A Ch. B) in h i bi t s re le as e o f do pa mi ne.

D ) i n hi b it s re l ea s e of A Ch. The neurotransmitter acety lcholine (ACh) is most lik ely to be found: A) at the junction between sensory neurons and muscle fibers. B) at the junction between motor neurons and muscle fibers. C) at junc tions betw een inter neur ons. D) in all of the above locat ions. Melissa has just completed ru nning a marathon. She is so ela ted that she feels little fati gue or discomfort.

Her lack of pain is probably the result of the release of: A) ACh. B) endorphins. D) norepinephrine. The pain of heroin withd rawal may be attributable to the fact that: A) under the influence of heroin the b rain ceases production of end orphins. B) under the influence of heroin the b rain ceases production of al l neurot ransmitters.

David G Myers Psychology 8th Edition Study Guide Answers

C) during heroin w ithdrawal the br ain's pro duction of all neurotransmitters is g reatly increased. D) heroin destroys endorphin receptors in the brain. The effect of a d rug that is an agonist is t o: A) cause the brain to stop producing certain neurotransmitters.

B) mimic a parti cular neuro trans mitte r. C) block a part icul ar neuro trans mitte r. D) disrupt a neuron's all-or-none firing pattern.


Parkinson's disease inv olves: A) the d eath o f nerv e cells that p roduce a vita l neu rotransmitter. B) impai red f uncti on in th e ri ght hemis phere only. C) impai red f uncti on in th e le ft he misph ere o nly. D) excess production of the neurotransmitters dopamine and acetylcholine. Heartbeat, digestion, and o ther self-regulating bod ily functions are governed by the: A) volun tary nervo us syst em. B) auton omic nervo us syst em. C) sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system.

D) somat ic nervo us syst em. Voluntary movements, su ch as writing with a pencil, are directed by the: A) sy mp a th et ic ne rv o us sy s t em. C) p ar as y mp at he ti c n er v ou s sy s te m.

B ) s o m a t i c n e r v o u s s y s t e m. Z4 monitor manual e85 nav. D ) a u t o n o m i c n e r v o u s s y s t e m. Following Jayshree' s near-fatal car accident, her physician n oticed that the pupil lary reflex of her eyes was abnormal.

Study Guide For Psychology

Indicate that Jayshree's was damaged in the accident. A ) o c c i p i t a l c o r t e x C ) l e f t t e m p o r a l l o b e B ) a u t o n o m i c n e r v o u s s y s t e m D ) c e r e b e l l u m 21. Your brother has been takin g prescription medicine an d experiencing a number of unp leasant side effects, including unusually rapid heartbeat and excessive perspiration. It is likely that the medicine is exaggerating activity in the: A ) r e t i c u l a r f o r m a t i o n.

C ) p a r a s y m p a t h e t i c n e r v o u s s y s t e m. B ) sy m p a t h e t i c n e r v o u s s y s t e m. D ) a m y g d a l a. When Sandy scalded her toe in a tu b of hot water, the pain message w as carried to her spinal cord by the nervous system. A) somatic B) sympathetic C) parasympathetic D) central 23. Which is the correct sequenc e in the transmission of a si mple reflex?

A) sensory neuron.

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